Monday, August 10, 2009

Lunch-hour Teenage Dad

Babies. They're some of the cutest living creatures on Earth. But taking care of one of them for a mere 15 minutes can drain the life out of a fat 21-year old.

I love my god-daughter Mika, but hey, try running around Landmark for 15 minutes straight, with no rest, while worrying that the kid hopefully does not get lost or bumps her head is somewhere, is probably the most exhausting activity I've had the past 21 years. That may be an exaggeration but I'm trying to make a point. :p

I looked like a teen-age dad (I know I'm 21 and I don't look nearly like a teenager but I'm still relatively young though) running after his baby girl.

So I pledge to keep the crib empty until I'm ready to run after a hyper kid again.

1 comment:

  1. Beri good! Haha, parang nanay! But yeah, let's all keep our cribs empty for now :) Young and working and no kids is fun!
